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Aquatic Programs Grow Revenue

With the New Year approaching, many of us begin to reflect on our accomplishments and achievements (or lack thereof) in the past year. This time of reflection gives us the opportunity to identify the areas that we would like to improve in the coming year. Whether we want to live a healthier lifestyle, read more, or dedicate more time spent with family, setting goals ahead of time gives us adequate time to plan and recognize the steps needed in order to meet your goal.


As 2019 comes to an end, businesses and aquatic facilities are also reflecting on the past year and coming up with ways to improve and grow revenue. There are many ways an aquatic centre can become more profitable; however, the simplest solution is the addition of specialized programs to your existing aquatic schedule. The following are tips on designing the perfect aquatic schedule for your pool users.



Offering specialized programs based on research can increase the overall participation of your swimming pool, and facility as a whole. Before building a schedule, it’s important to know your market and understand what your pool users want. Knowing how many users you have on a daily and weekly basis, what programs your users participate in, and their age groups will help you target your current and potential market. Consider conducting a survey of your current members or testing new programs on frequent facility users to find out what programs generate the most interest.



Offering a variety of programs that are appropriate for all different user groups and demographics will open your facility to a wider market and create more reason to use your pool. In doing so, the facility's overall revenue will be increased. The amenities offered vary from facility to facility. This means that not every facility has access to a swimming pool. Encouraging participation in aquatic programs will not only increase the number of pool users, but may even encourage pool users to participate in other programs offered within the facility.



The design of your pool can determine the types of programs you are able to offer. For example, competitive swimming requires a cooler, deeper pool than pools geared towards recreational swimming, fitness/therapy classes and swimming lessons. Whether your swimming pool is indoor or outdoor can also factor into the scheduling process. 


Outdoor Pools

Offer programs targeted towards youth in the day and programs for adults and young children in the early morning or evening.


Indoor Pools

Offer programs targeted towards youth in the evening and programs for adults and young children during the early/late morning and afternoon when older children and teens are in school.



Keeping programming fresh is crucial in maintaining the interest of your guests. Specialized programming and events can add variety to your regular programming. A great example of a creative and specialized event is “The Pumpkin Patch in the Pool” at the Arne Hanna Aquatic Center in Bellingham, WA. This tradition of 19 years is a Halloween celebration in which swimmers can pick a floating pumpkin while they swim. The event costs $5 per guest and includes a swim in the pool and a pumpkin to take home. Pumpkins are donated by friends of the facility.


Other events could include:

  • Birthday parties
  • Pet days
  • Water safety days
  • Beach parties
  • Movies in the pool
  • Yoga by the pool
  • Holiday themed pool days

Other ways to generate interest through programming:

  • Offer incentives for pool users
  • Create challenges
  • Offer fitness classes and other programs targeted towards a specific age group or ability (i.e. maternity, seniors, rehabilitation, parents and tots)


Attendance can also be increased by providing educated and creative facility managers and aquatic instructors. Offering continuing education to your staff can benefit the facilities programs and keep instructors and aquatic managers up to date in the latest programs, research and techniques which can enhance the quality of the programs offered. 


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