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Opening Kit - Premium remove
Description: Make opening your pool a breeze with a preassembled Premium Pool Opening Kit!
Each Premium Opening Kit includes: 
DazzleTM Algae Resist 50:  Algae Resist 50 is a low foaming, highly effective algae preventative. 50% concentration - strong so you use less. 
DazzleTM Ultra Shock:  Ultra Shock is a formulated, fast dissolving, stabilized chlorine-based shock treatment. Shocks, clarifies, provides stain & scale control and enhances water. 
Jack's Magic® The Magenta Stuff: The most advanced start up and stain-fighting product available. Fast-acting and long-lasting, it remove stains and scale, and protects all pool finishes. 
DazzleTM Phos Cleanse Plus: Phos Cleanse Plus is an "eco-friendly" preventative measure to control algae growth.